November 2023: Seeding Growth Ahead For 2024

The November Water Boar month (November 8 - December 6) begins the winter season for the year, the last season of each astrological year. For this year, the transition period into the upcoming astrological year - the 2024 Wood Dragon - is truly unique!

Firstly, coming from the powerful (but covert) transformation opportunity of the October Water Dog month, the November Water Boar gifts us a preliminary boost for growth in the upcoming year; especially for those who have grasped the opportunity to make adjustments, changes & even radical shifts to be aligned with the energies of Period 9. This preliminary head-start also comes as connections or alliances & diversification opportunities - in the form of expansion, new markets and making inroads in previously unchartered areas, for example.

“…when different elements in the portfolio have synergy and work together to help each other maximise individual productivity, their collective yields can then be reinvested to maximise the productivity of the whole portfolio.” - Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Banking CEO

Secondly, we shall greet the (astrological) Wood Dragon latest by Winter Solstice, December 22. The early arrival of the upcoming year is especially enhanced this time due to the affinity of the December Wood Rat month with the 2024 Wood Dragon Year. Hence, this year’s winter months are particularly significant and energised unlike any other year. This is really bringing in the energy of wood (strengthened by copious amounts of water qi) ahead of its natural peak in the spring months of next year.

The invaluable 2023 Water Rabbit has indeed been truly a blessing, gifting us the strong ingredients to productively grow, create and diversify our efforts, especially in the mid to long-term. November is the peak and culmination of this year’s growth potential due to the direct combination relationship between the Water Boar month with the Water Rabbit year itself. Naturally, growth comes with continuous learning and staying out of the comfort zone - have you embraced enough growth this year?

”When you’re uncomfortable that’s when you learn something new about yourself.” - Arca, Musician/Producer

The Water Boar by itself is a powerful pillar. The last of the pure qi pillars of this year, the November Water Boar consists of pure water qi in the main pillar, with a seed hidden within. The strong water of the entire pillar gifts us the depth of wisdom, insight & intelligence. As the saying goes - water runs deep. Water is the element of cosmic intelligence; so for those who are spiritually connected & in-tune with greater workings of the universe, this is a potent month for deep realisation & manifesting through one’s connection to the universe.

For your planning perspective, the first half of the Water Boar month until around November 23 will be suitable in getting prepared for the projects you would like to get a head-start for 2024. You can dedicate this time to research, getting your facts right and establishing the core of what you wish to accomplish. You can enhance this by staying connected and energetically-engaged to the right people, partners and team players who are sharing your work, projects & overall goals.

Whereas for the 2nd half of the month, the astrological alignment provides a combustion of a dynamic force, boosting our individual will and optimism for the year ahead. This will be a suitable time for setting the foundation, initiating & getting the ball rolling for the projects that we would like to shape into fruition in 2024.

”Optimism isn’t a belief that things will automatically get better; it’s a conviction that we can make things better.” – Melinda Gates, Philanthropist

At our home base in Malaysia, the first half of October was jammed-packed in lieu of the team’s extensive travel for the remainder of 2023. The 2nd edition of the SACRED MEN’S CIRCLE was held on Sunday, October 8 - focussing on getting our mind, body & spirit aligned for Period 9. It is my intent to continually grow this circle in the hopes of sharing with men - the importance of embracing both the sacred masculine & feminine particularly for Period 9.

Our founder - Jessie Lee - presented the complimentary session of DECODING THE SECRET BEHIND YOUR 12 ANIMAL SIGNS on October 14 @ 2pm. This was an in-depth look at the forecasts of the each of the animal signs according to their placement in one’s Bazi Chart; all in preparation for an exciting 2024 ahead!

Our bonus workshop specially for October’s Solar Eclipse on Saturday, October 14 - RING OF FIRE - 3RD EYE AWAKENING SOLAR ECLIPSE WORKSHOP - was quickly sold-out once released! During the session, we worked with the transformative power of the eclipse for enhanced clarity & intuition, with a brand-new sound experience for all participants.

Meanwhile, TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATHWORK - a powerful practice for release and energy realignment - debuted online on Sunday, October 15 after a successful on-ground session in September. This breathwork practice is truly life-transforming - we highly encourage you to join us the next time this workshop is available!

November will be a month of continued travels for the Soleil Trinity team. Do remember to stay tuned to our updates. Whether regarding our Soul’s Journey Egypt/Jordan, monthly updates or preparation for 2024, we will be actively sharing information/updates via social media through our founder’s (Jessie Lee) Facebook and Telegram (do stay tuned also to my updates on Kong Eu Instagram/Facebook).

Moving ahead in anticipation of 2024 - in case you have not gotten your ticket yet, please don’t miss out on our Signature Annual Astrology talk - ENTER THE DRAGON 2024: AWAKENING PERIOD 9 to be held on January 6, 2024 (ENGLISH) and January 7, 2024 (CANTONESE). Make sure you start Period 9 at your best with the year’s outlook, tips and application in terms of Astrology, Feng Shui and Power Dates. Get your tickets now!

If a deep perspective is what you’re looking for to get maximum traction for your BEST start to Period 9 beginning 2024, then make sure you join us for POWER UP 2024 which will be held on January 20-22, 2024. Obtain the inner advantage - through the potent combination of Bazi Astrology, Feng Shui, Date Selection & YiJing - all through the important Wood Dragon Year. Discover the key ingredients to making your best 2024 & start Period 9 with a BANG!!

All the best in seeding your future growth in November 2023!

Your beacon of Soleil Trinity,

Kong Eu