Mar 2024: Getting Ready To Go Deep For Period 9

”Every day is a renewal, every morning the daily miracle. The joy you feel is LIFE” - Gertrude Stein, Novelist/Poet/Playwright

Our historic entry into the electrifying Period 9 zooms into the 2nd month of the Wood Dragon Year!

What does the Yin Fire Rabbit Month (March 5 - April 4) foretell during this opening portion of Period 9?

On the overall, its energy is split into 2 parts: The first is a continued development of the exciting growth and expansion energy of February’s Fire Tiger; now moving into an interim phase of transformation & manifestation. This is when certain initiated projects can take shape more concretely, with some actually building into success & tangible results, albeit on a smaller, shorter-term scale.

The second, deeper layer of energy in this Yin Fire Rabbit (Ding Mao) Month is in lieu of the interaction with the Yang Wood Dragon (Jia Chen) Year, in particular the “Harm” relationship between the Dragon and the Rabbit. The less favourable repercussion of this are unexpected or unpleasant surprises. The cause? Neglected growth or failure to stay updated in terms of learning, renewal or continuous expansion, despite opportunities being ample especially during the past 2 years.

Another root cause of any delays, obstacles or lack of forward momentum during this month is the inability to let go of the past or anything that doesn’t serve our personal or soul growth. Take a deeper look at the arising blockages from these perspectives should you find yourself in frustration or emotionally down this month.

While the Lunar Cycle is a major balancing factor to our soul’s journey, it becomes even more important to emphasise this aspect this month. The New Moon on March 10 is an initiation point for the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25. Specifically, the March New Moon is representing new beginnings from changes made in the path towards a deeper and more spiritual life for each of us individually.

This is where the realisations and awareness triggered by the Lunar Eclipse will show us how relationship dynamics need to urgently change to allow us to journey meaningfully in Period 9 - what relationships really need to break, what dynamics need to shift & what will be required in the new connections that we make. It is these energetics that we will carry forth into the “even deeper” realignment energies of the upcoming Earth Dragon Month of April.

”It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread.” - Vance Havner, Revivalist/Evangelist

Overall, we will experience peak Wood Element energy (generally representing growth & expansion) right around the days of the Spring Equinox on March 19/20; thereafter this will soften earlier compared to other years. Furthermore, the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on March 25 will heighten Metal/Water energy in contrast to the seasonal Wood energy.

On this note, do keep in mind one of the main themes of this Wood Dragon Year - the harnessing of the balance of external Yang with internal Yin to maximise 2024. The March Fire Rabbit month is the first of several months with multilayered (and deep) energies, so powerful for personal realignment and growth. While it is natural to focus on outward progress and achievement, it is crucial to stay aware of our emotional world for realisations & insights to be transmuted into life wisdom.

Be conscious of the events and happenings unfolding throughout the month. Stay aware of your personal triggers. What is any specific situation pointing towards in terms of realisation? What is working? In which area(s) is the universe requesting you to examine deeper, reconsider or change path? While the external world remains fast-paced, stay grounded. Look to practices such as crystal sound meditation, breath-work or conscious movement (such as qigong or yoga) to anchor you internally.

”Each time we exhale, the world ends; when we inhale, there can be, if we allow it, rebirth and spiritual renewal. It all transpires inside of us.” - Tom Robbins, Author/Novelist

February 2024 was a complete whirlwind of welcoming Period 9 & Lunar New Year celebrations, fun and activities! As the Chinese New Year activities started to recede, it was back to work fairly early for us for the 1st Full Moon of Period 9, with that weekend dedicated to a few key events.

The 1st was in honour of harnessing the powerful 1st Full Moon of Period 9 with DRAGON’S BLESSINGS: Channeling Abundance in the First Full Moon of Period 9 held on Chap Goh Mei, Saturday, February 24. It was a full-house at our STIR (Soleil Trinity Infinite Resources) Studio with breathwork, energy realignment & sound healing.

Our ONLINE session of TRANSFORMATIONAL BREATHWORK + SOUND HEALING: Breathe, Release, Transform - Awaken Your Potential for Period 9 was held the next day Sunday, February 25, with breathwork master Jolston Ng & our founder - Jessie Lee - and myself leading participants from across the world online with powerful breath-work practice to unlock further potential for Period 9!

Meanwhile, I was excited to facilitate the 1st Sacred Men’s Circle of Period 9 on that same evening! It was an honour to welcome back familiar (and supportive) faces, students from our numerous workshops as well as a group of newbies who braved themselves to join us. A huge thanks from yours truly to all my brothers!

Our March calendar is also filling-up, especially for the 2nd half! Once again, our founder - Jessie Lee - will be helming THE Feng Shui course for Period 9 - UNLEASHING THE DYNAMIC FENG SHUI CODE from March 16-18. These 3 days will bring you an on alternative, exhilarating Feng Shui journey in synch with Period 9…hope you have signed-up!

Have you have registered for MANIFEST YOUR LIFE 2024: Set Your Best Foundation For Period 9? This is a full-day workshop on Sunday, March 24 to peel the layers of 2024’s Wood Dragon energy for deeper breakthroughs, energy elevation & even fast-track unique opportunities with annual Feng Shui activations. See you in class!

And with Period 9 here, the importance of the power of influence & selling cannot be emphasised enough. Join our certified NLP master coach and breath-master - Jolston Ng - online for SALES FOR NON-SALESPEOPLE: Essential Selling Skills for Everyone on Saturday, March 30 @ 2:00 - 5:30 PM. Develop the superpower of SELLING that will give you the upper-hand in Period 9.

Lastly, here’s some inside info - we are preparing something SPECIAL with a powerful & auspicious day mid-March so do stay tuned to our social media pages (and your email inbox) when registration for the workshop opens.

All the best for a powerful March 2024!

Your beacon of Soleil Trinity,
Kong Eu